
Labels, brands, tags and pigeon holes

I don’t believe in labels or being pigeon-holed.   That said, I’m probably a Type A personality. In fact, I wish I wasn’t as I would probably feel less stressed about life. I can’t find a reason or excuse for this personality flaw except to place the blame squarely on my DNA.

My parents were not corporate high flyers, but they did demonstrate certain Type A traits. My dad was a stickler for punctuality and cleanliness. My mum is still obsessed with planning her daily routine like clockwork. Even now, at over 80 years of age, my mum is a timekeeper. She literally plans her day around the clock.  Breakfast, shower, prayer, a little cooking on some days, lunch, nap, some TV…  And, there are clocks aplenty everywhere in her condo that reflect her time sensitive predisposition.

I guess, I have been either blessed or burdened by it. At school and university, I did my homework and course work as soon as I got home. I read and prepared while I waited for my bus or at intervals when I had time between doing something and going somewhere. The motivation was to get everything ‘owing’ out of the way.

Of course, this carried on into my work life. I have a “WIP” file just like the next person; I just prefer to work through it quickly so there is no “WIP”. I am not super-efficient nor profess to be but I can quite confidently say I am reliable and I meet deadlines. Sleep and weekends are sometimes forsaken for these deadlines.

A great attitude, most times. But, not so great when working with or dealing with people, who have other ideas about what is important and what is urgent. And there are many out there who operate on a totally different wavelength or planet. Sigh.

I don’t get people who wait to the very last-minute to do anything and everything. If there is a deadline, then everything is left to the eleventh hour. It’s the proverbial burning the midnight oil or working to the wire to meet that dreaded, but already forewarned and oft-reminded deadline.

They don’t seem to care if they don’t meet deadlines. What about responsibility and accountability to ourselves and to the company we work for? What about our sense of worth and self-esteem? Are these not important considerations? Do these factors not matter?

The ‘last-minuters’ and procrastinators  are also the ones, who are never on time for meetings. They leave their homes or offices late, invariably arrive late, and blame their tardiness on traffic. The simple solution is to leave a little earlier and arrive at least on time.  Is it the ‘always late, nothing is ever urgent’ part of the DNA to blame?

I also don’t get people who don’t respond to emails and text messages, especially important ones that clearly require their immediate action. There is no need to acknowledge receipt although it would be nice and courteous especially since it was addressed to them. It is blatantly ignored despite a call to action. There is no sense of urgency. In fact, there is no sense at all.

I find these types of people oblivious, insensitive and just plain rude. They can’t seem to tell right from wrong or choose not to, and demonstrate a lack of respect for other people’s time and efforts. This is a major moan of mine.

So, which type is better? Type A or Type T for Tardy. Maybe a more relaxed Type B, with less stress and reduced risk of heart problems. Or a cross between a Type A and Type B. Who knows?