News detox

I like to stay current with current news. For me, reading, listening and watching the latest happenings inside and outside the country, is par for the course. I also write about topics that interest me.

Monday to Friday, I listen to the ‘Morning Run’ on the BFM radio station. I like the business news coverage. Corporate developments – mergers and acquisitions. Governance and social responsibility. Financial results. Market movements – equity, commodity, and crypto currency. Economy. Interviews with industry leaders, entrepreneurs and politicians. Yes, them too. Insights from academics, analysts and researchers. I also take note of the reportage on current affairs particularly politics and international news. Superpowers, climate change, wars, sanctions, and multilateral trade. I find the presenters easy on the ears. I listen to the guests, most of whom are specialists in their own fields and industries. They seem to know what they are talking about. They proffer well-thought through assessments, and predictions on markets and viable solutions to economic and fiscal problems. They make sense, at least to me.

I also read and watch other on-line media that invite professionals, experts and people who have been there and done that – people with know-how and experience – to discuss, offer opinions and responses to the world’s micro and macro woes. These select invitees appear impressive and knowledgeable. They suggest sensible approaches and put forward do-able responses.  

I think credible platforms that allow responsible people to readily highlight issues, examine situations, deliberate, argue, make pledges, announcements, and provide solutions are helpful. Conferences and soapboxes help too. I also think that people generally do read, listen and watch the goings-on on their doorstep and further afield.

But, do any of these make a difference? A real difference in the real world that we, I, live in. The ‘real’ world where I don’t have much or any control or say outside decisions that relate directly to me. Even that minuscule scope of control is a little suspect. I may have a slight sway on two other people in my life. My husband and my mum. Although they might beg to differ on my perceived influence on them.

Which brings me to the point of being in the know. Of being connected and switched on to domestic and international news. For me, the point has always been and is to stay somewhat informed, and understand, not always wholly, what’s happening in and around me. Which also made me ask myself, then what? Yes, indeed, then what?

About a month ago, I considered a news detox. A respite from the deluge of unhappy/negative/painful news. I’m not an activist. I don’t participate in protests and campaigns for change. What I do is donate to public and charitable causes. I give money to the needy. I vote, and hope for the best. I tried but cannot shake the sadness and hopelessness I feel about the happenings, here, there and everywhere. I am totally cognizant that going off the grid will not stop people, events and the world go by. I am also cognizant that not knowing does not change anything. If at all, it’s akin to sticking my head in the sand.

That said, I don’t mind business news so much. Although it irks me that there are many silver-tongued smartly dressed corporate leaders who don’t/will not think twice about docking the pay of their already lowly paid employee/s for taking a longer than necessary wee-break while they have garages overflowing with luxury cars that they don’t have time to drive. They are chauffeured to meetings so that they can cut deals and make more money, and buy more expensive cars that they still won’t have time to drive. Yes, my little rant.

Politics and current affairs, I do mind. I want to consciously avoid them. A stay off the more turbulent and sad news and updates. The daily headlines in local news portals tell many woeful stories. Siblings abused. Corruption in high places. Scammers and cheats. Foreign security guard eats rice with onion/garlic so he can send home money. Foreign workers (the already downtrodden) cheated by syndicates. It goes on and on. Things that happen at home make me sad, nauseas and annoyed but thankfully there’s peace and there’s order. Further afield. There are wars and extended wars. New wars, and more wars. Killing. Pain. Suffering. Loss. Destitution. People smuggling. Growing numbers of refugees and migrants. Climate failures. Natural disasters.

Why? Greedy people. Power hungry people. Self-righteous, fanatics. Those who would do anything for money and wealth. Those who would do anything to fight and hang on to power. And, flaunt that power on the weak, and probably those who elected them into their lofty positions. Those who would use any contentious excuses to divide and conquer. There’s no shortage of the kind. In fact, there’s growing nationalism, parochialism, and right wingism.

News detox ? Yes, please.